*The newest Redemption set, Israel’s Inheritance, is now available for pre-order! We have Booster Packs, Display Boxes, and Complete Sets available for purchase (Singles should be available by early September). Check them out under Buy Redemption CCG!-->Pre-Orders!*

Collection: Starter Decks

Starter decks are perfect for learning the game and getting started! We've got several options, including bundles with sleeves and a deck box!


BEFORE YOU PURCHASE REDEMPTION CARDS, BE ADVISED:  There are now two types of formats for regular, constructed play:  Classic and Rotation.  Classic refers to all Redemption cards made may be used.  Rotation refers to only cards with the special ability typed in the scripture box (and not over the card image) may be used.  For State, Regional, and National tournaments, only the Rotation format will be used.

2 products
K & L Starter Decks (Israel's Deliverance)
Regular price
Sale price
K & L Starter Decks (Israel's Deliverance) Bundle
Regular price
Sale price