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Rotation (Theme):  Flood Survivors / Animals - Your Turn Games

*Updated* Flood Survivors / Animals

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Designed by Derek Tirado, a National tournament top ranking player, and the founder & former owner of Your Turn Games, the Flood deck, as it’s called within the Redemption community, has been a very popular deck theme the past couple of years!  It has won first place in many tournaments, and has made top cut on more than one occasion at the National tournaments.  It tends to be fast, strong and has many recursion abilities, and it mainly revolves around the fortress, Noah’s Ark. This offense pairs well with an animal defense as many enhancements are dual-alignment and are specific to the blue offense and crimson defense.  This Contender Deck also comes with a significant discount on the rare and highly sought after (and much needed card for this offense), Noah’s Ark National tournament promo!  

See bottom for recommended cards you can purchase separately to help boost this deck’s theme, some of which are Classic cards to modify this deck to that format!

Son of God (K)
New Jerusalem (I/J+)
Angel of the Lord (J)
Christian Martyr (I/J)
A New Beginning (FoM)

Lost Souls
Grumbled (K)
Shepherds (L)
Foreigner (PoC)
6/* (FoM)
Fool (RoA)
O.T. Only (FoM)
Lost Souls (Roots)

Pitch and Gopher Wood (CoW)
Covenant with Philistia (LoC)
The Rainbow (FoM)
Covenant with Noah (PoC)
Carcasses (PoC)
Stone Pillar at Bethel (LR) (LoC)

Noah's Ark (P)
Storehouse (IR)

Two by Two (FoM)
Forbidden Fruit (FoM)

Noah (CoW)
Noah's Wife (CoW)
Shem, Covenant Keeper (LoC)
Ham (CoW)
Japheth (CoW)
Shem's Wife (FoM)
Ham’s Wife (FoM)
Japheth's Wife (FoM)

Good Enhancements
Bless the Nations (PoC)
Faith Among Corruption (CoW)
Faith of Noah (CoW)
The Dove Returns (CoW)
Offering Your Son (PoC)
Judah’s Intervention (LoC)
Obedience of Noah (Roots)

Evil Characters
Fiery Serpents (FoM)
Wild Animals (IR)
Unclean Animals (Rock Hyrax) (IR)
Hungry Lion (LoC)
Negev Lions (PoC)
Coliseum Lion (CoW)
The Selfish Shepherds (IR)
Esau, the Hunter (LR)

Evil Enhancements
Seized by Babylon (PoC)
Unclean Until Evening (IR)
Lying Unto God (Roots)
Nebuchadnezzar's Pride (Roots)
Scattered (RoA)

Noah’s Ark (Ark of Salvation) (PoC)
The Lord Provides (LoC)
The Flood (CoW)
Creation of the World (Roots)
Stolen Blessing (LoC)
Anthropophobia (FoM)
Seven Cows (IR)
Moths (Roots)
Unclean Animals (Camels) (IR)
Beasts of the Earth (LoC)

Deck strategy and tips:

  • The offense is much stronger with Noah's Ark in play as many of the abilities require it to be in play, so use Faith of Noah, Pitch and Gopher Wood, or Two By Two to search it out as early as possible.  Typically the strongest offense tactic is to use the Noah/Shem/Japheth band to attack with. Just try and keep in mind any anti-banding abilities your opponent may counter with when you use this band. 
  • The defense utilizes animals, most of which have unique abilities that can typically put your opponent on the defense right away. This, coupled with negating and powerful battle winning enhancements will help you successfully block your opponent. 
  • The Flood is a powerful battle-winner and territory-discarder, but be careful to keep some Evil Characters in hand when you use it so you still have some defense afterward!
  • Use Noah's powerful exchanging ability to set up combos, exchanging who you don't need with who you do need (depending on the situation).
  • Try and play Noah’s Wife ASAP as she makes many of your Flood-related offensive cards CBP. 
  • In the event your Noah’s Ark is discarded or banished, and you can’t recur it for whatever reason, you can use the Ark of Salvation that’s in the Reserve. Although both Arks can’t be in play at the same time, the Ark of Salvation is there as a back up as so many of your offensive abilities revolve around Noah’s Ark being in play. 
  • Use Offering Your Son to get one of your many OT artifacts from deck, which you’ll probably want Pitch and Gopherwood so you can activate it to be Ark in play. Or, use it to get a covenant to use in battle, or get your defense up and running by snagging an animal from the reserve. 
  • Use Bless the Nations to band in Shem's Wife so you can utilize her bounce ability on an evil character and potentially win the battle.
  • A nice combo is to use Noah’s ability to shuffle Tree of Knowledge to search for Flood Survivors. Eventually, you’ll recur Tree of Knowledge, which you can then use to recur Forbidden Fruit!
  • Covenant with Philistia is a great card as it can be used as a battle-winner or help setup your defense by snagging an animal from Reserve and get a draw 2 by doing so!
  • Esau is a great way to tutor your animals from deck. He can also discard an animal that’s in play to get a draw 2 and play an OT enhancement, which will put your opponent on the defense right away!
  • Continuing with the theme of putting your opponent immediately on the defense, animals tend to do this by their own abilities, such as Fiery Serpents, Wayward Sheep, Coliseum Lion, etc., so use them at the right time to help you win the battle straightaway. 
  • Your lions can generally band together, forming a powerful wall that will be hard for your opponent to get through. Negev Lions also gives you a good draw the more lions you have in play. 
  • There are plenty of dual-alignment cards, most of which can be used as an enhancement or as an animal. Two in particular (The Great Fish and Scapegoat) be used explicitly on Noah but are best used as the animal side. 

YTG recommends the below cards as other viable options for this deck’s theme. You can view and purchase them by clicking on each one, or search for them here!

Rotation cards

The Serpent

Noah, the Righteous

Shem (CoW)


The Wages of Sin



Covenant with Philistia

Fire Foxes

Babylonian Siege Army


Dissension in Antioch


Dragon’s Wrath


Joseph’s Silver Cup

Pride of Lions

Foolish Shepherd

Israel’s Sword

Classic and/or Rotation cards

Answer to Prayer


Invoking Terror

Stone Pillar at Bethel

Abraham’s Descendant
