A spiritual war awaits you and your opponent! Designed by Derek Tirado, a National tournament top ranking player, and the founder & former owner of Your Turn Games, this Challenger Deck features a powerful offense comprised of Gospel angels, many of which have strong band abilities, while the defense is made up of Gospel demons that utilize placed cards which disrupt your opponent's territory and overall strategy, and helps control his offense! You don't want to miss out on this powerful deck that's hot off the Gospel of Christ press! Check out the Contender Deck version here!
With several GoC cards in this deck, you'll be able to easily convert it to a GoC-only deck, so you can also play in that category! It's like getting two decks for the price of one! See bottom of page for several recommended GoC cards to boost this deck's theme, and/or to substitute if you'd like to play the GoC Only category.
Son of God (I/J)
New Jerusalem (I/J+)
Angel of the Lord (I)
Christian Martyr (I/J)
Vain Philosophy (J)
Lost Souls
Behold (L Deck)
Shepherds (L Deck)
Fool (RoA)
6/* (FoM)
(3) N.T. Meek (no special ability) (I/J)
Gifts of the Magi (GoC)
Covenant with Abraham (PoC)
Cursed for Us (GoC)
Chamber of Angels (GoC)
The Gates of Hell (GoC)
Golgotha (GoC)
Dual-Alignment Cards
Temptation in the Wilderness (GoC)
Gabriel (I)
Magnifying Multitude (GoC)
The Messianic Messenger (GoC)
The Comforting Cherubs (GoC)
The Ministering Spirit (GoC)
Angel of the Harvest (GoC)
The Expatriator (GoC)
Legion of Angels (GoC)
Guardians from Glory (GoC)
Angel of Warning (GoC LR)
Good Enhancements
Gathering of Angels (GoC)
Expelled from Heaven (GoC)
Lost Coin Found (GoC)
Flight into Egypt (GoC)
Wheat and Tares (GoC)
An Angel Appears (GoC)
Angelic Guidance (I)
Evil Characters
Prince of this World (GoC)
The Thief (GoC)
The Sordid Spirit (GoC)
Strong Demon (GoC)
Possessing Spirit (GoC)
Evil Spawn (GoC)
Restless Spirit (GoC)
Afflicting Spirit (GoC)
Evil Enhancements
Deafening Spirit (GoC)
Sin and Blasphemy (GoC)
Suicidal Swine Stampede (GoC)
Two Possessed (GoC)
Betraying Christ (GoC)
Driven by Spirits (GoC)
Gathering Angel (I)
The Child is Born (GoC)
Controlling Demon (J)
Destroying Spirit (GoC)
Wandering Spirit (GoC LR)
Snaring Spirit (GoC)
Choked Seed (GoC)
Destructive Sin (GoC)
House Divided (GoC)
Evil Armor (GoC)
Deck strategy and tips:
- The offense has a mix of different sub-theme Gospel angels, such as Nativity, Empty Tomb, and generic ones; however, they all synergize very well. The offense also has strong banding and a variety of other abilities that make it difficult for your opponent to stop you!
- The defense utilizes evil placed cards to disrupt your opponent's territory and overall strategy. Additionally, the defense has several ways to manipulate your opponent's attacks, allowing you to "chump block" your opponent's rescues.
- If you want to overwhelm your opponent with large numbers, use banding angels, such as The Expatriator, Messianic Messenger, Guardians from Glory to form a formidable banding chain!
- Need soul gen? Use Angel of the Harvest, The Comforting Cherubs, and "Harvest" Lost Soul.
- Angelic Guidance is a great card! It can let you look at your opponent's hand and see what he has, then you can snag a silver card from deck. Since you know what's in his hand, you can get the right card that you need for the upcoming battle, or get a card that will help set you up with a pre-battle advantage.
- At the right time, use Gabriel to recur one of your best silver enhancements from discard pile.
- Extend the battle on the offense by playing Temptation in the Wilderness as a good enhancement. For the defense, use The Gates of Hell's ability to add your demon to battle.
- If you don't have any demons in territory or hand, but you have one or more on your opponent's cards in their territory, you can use Wheat and Tares to bounce that/those evil characters to hand during your discard phase to give yourself a blocker for your opponent's upcoming turn.
- Use a low-numbered demon to block with, then, when you have initiative, use Suicidal Swine Stampede to discard that demon to shuffle all Lost Souls in your territory.
- There are so many tricks and combos with the placed evil card strategy, so be sure to read through all of your defensive cards so you can find them all!
YTG recommends the below cards as other viable options for this deck’s theme. You can view and purchase them by clicking on each one, or search for them here!